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Emergency Dentist in Missouri City, TX: Fall Dental Hazards

teen boys playing soccer without sports guards might need to visit our emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX

Fall is a delightful time filled with seasonal snacks and plenty of outdoor activities. However, it can also become a prime time for dental emergencies. From kids playing sports to adults enjoying outdoor adventures, the risk of dental injuries rises. Lake Olympia Dental’s emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX, explores the most common fall dental emergencies, offers practical prevention tips, and guides you on what to do if you face a dental crisis.

Sports Injuries and Dental Emergencies

Fall is the season for soccer, football, and other high-impact sports. While these activities are great for physical fitness, they also pose significant risks to dental health. A misplaced elbow or a rogue ball can easily lead to chipped or knocked-out teeth. That could land you in our office for an appointment with our emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX.

Wearing sports guards can significantly reduce the risk, yet many neglect this simple precaution. They act as a cushion, absorbing impact and distributing it evenly across your teeth and gums. Custom mouthguards from Lake Olympia Dental provide the best protection and are more comfortable than generic ones.

Seasonal Slips and Falls

The beautiful fall foliage might not have reached Texas yet, but storms and hurricanes can turn walkways into treacherous territory when wet. Slippery leaves and damp sidewalks increase the risk of falls, which can result in dental injuries. Chipped teeth and soft tissue injuries are all too common during this season.

Wearing shoes with good traction can help prevent slips and falls. Opt for footwear designed to grip surfaces well, especially when walking on wet leaves or damp pavement. If you do fall, don’t brush it off. Get checked out by a doctor, and if you experience any tooth or jaw pain, reach out to our emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX.

Accidents During Outdoor Activities

Autumn is a fantastic time for biking and hiking, but these activities come with their own set of dental risks. A sudden stop or an unexpected obstacle can result in facial trauma and dental injuries.

Helmets and faceguards are crucial for biking, and trekking poles can offer additional stability during hikes. Always prioritize safety gear to protect against accidents. Our Missouri City, TX, emergency dentist also suggests carrying some items for dental emergencies, like gauze pads, over-the-counter pain medications, and floss.

Seasonal Sugar Overload

Between pumpkin spice lattes, holidays like Halloween, and fall-themed desserts, autumn brings a surge in sugar consumption. The link between sugar and cavities is well-documented.  Sticky foods and hard candies are particularly harmful as they stick to teeth and can even cause fractures that require a trip to our emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX.

Limit candy consumption and encourage healthier alternatives like fruits or sugar-free treats. Ensure you or your children brush your teeth thoroughly after consuming candy to remove sugary residues. Plus, scheduling a dental cleaning and checkup post-Halloween can help identify and address any early signs of decay or damage caused by increased sugar intake.

Protect Your Teeth Through Autumn Adventures

A little precaution goes a long way in keeping dental emergencies at bay. Embrace the changing season with confidence. If disaster does strike, don’t worry—contact Lake Olympia Dental’s emergency dentist in Missouri City, TX. We can handle everything from tooth fractures to infections to broken restorations. Call (281) 848-8822.

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